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The Girona full-back is a choice to fill the right-back job at Camp Nou.


Girona right-back has communicated an interest in getting back to Barça. "In the event that I return, it will be as a component of the principal group. Clearly, I might want to return to Barça, similarly as I might want to go to any of the best clubs on the planet," Arnau said.

The safeguard came through at La Masía, where he met Alejandro Balde in the adolescent groups and their fellowship proceeds right up to the present day.

After eight seasons wearing the Barça shirt, however, Arnau left. "I need to say thanks to them for delivering me, on the grounds that any other way I wouldn't be here at this point. Perhaps I would play for Barça's save group," he concedes.

Arnau's re-visitation of Barça could materialize in winter, or in the late spring window in front of next season. The Girona full-back communicated his reverence for mentor Xavi Hernández, who needs him in his positions.

"I like him as a footballer and as a mentor, who is doing well overall. I've been a Barça fan for my entire life. At the point when I was conceived I was made a part and I generally went to games with my folks and my cousin.

Source SPORT


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