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The club has no plans to let Kessie to leave the club


Kessié won't leave Barça in the January move window. The club has no designs to allow him to leave the club and the player isn't willing to pay attention to offers, so he will stay in the task for the rest of the time.

The Blaugrana club, be that as it may, will dissect what is happening in June and in the event that he keeps on being a player with low minutes count, they will attempt to track down the best answer for the two players.

Kessié has not persuaded either the instructing staff or the donning division. The club needed a player with muscle and the Ivorian player was a decent market a valuable open door.

In Milan, he had a few decent seasons, yet his transformation to Barça has cost him and the Blaugrana game style and rhythm don't appear to suit him.

Kessié had the fantasy about playing as a Blaugrana and he will attempt until the end, in spite of the fact that he is probably not going to assume a significant part in the definitive piece of the time.

Source SPORT


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