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Former youth team coach speak about Barcelona's talented young player.


Franc Artiga, an ex-Juvenil A (Barca's U19 group) said in a meeting with EsportsRAC1: "Oscar Mingueza has astonished us all. It's difficult to accept that a player goes to the principal group he contends better compared to he did at lower level groups." 

Talking about Ilaix Moriba, he added: "In the mean time, Ilaix is unique, we as a whole wagered he would get to the main group. He contends better even with huge challenges."llaix and Riqui Puig are absolutely viable. Riqui has everything of our concept of Barcelona football, sometime he will wind up detonating and will be phenomenal for the principal group. Ilaix likewise comprehends our game." 

Moriba has shown up for the senior side in La Liga this season, scoring 1 objective and helping 3 more. Mingueza has played multiple times in the class, with Puig scoring 1 objective in 10 appearances. 

The threesome of youths are essential for Barca's future and it's incredible to see Artiga's positive evaluation of these capable stars.


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