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For the first time in club history, Camp Nou can get a commercial name

The offer of naming rights at arenas has been a hotly debated issue in the football world for quite a while, particularly in Europe. 

Numerous clubs with old and notable arena names have attempted to sell the naming rights for business purposes, yet in a similar vein have confronted solid restriction from their own supporters. 

Since Barcelona's new arena was raised in 1957, Camp Nou has been the name. A name that makes goose pimples for a few and bad dreams for other people.

 Presently, just because, the arena name might be not quite the same as Camp Nou - authoritatively, at least.Yesterday, Barcelona affirmed by means of their sites that they have given the naming rights for the 2020/2021 season to the Barça Foundation.

 The Barça Foundation is the club's own cause association and attempts to improve the lives of kids and youth around the world. 

Throughout the following scarcely any weeks, the association, alongside the club's business office, will be searching for supports who need to purchase the naming rights for the up and coming season. 

All returns will go legitimately to look into in Catalonia and the remainder of the world identified with the crown pandemic. 

Jordi Cardoner, the club's VP and leader of the Barça Foundation, had the accompanying to state about the choice: 
- The explanation behind the choice - the battle against the coronavirus - is a worldwide test. 

Being the best games association on a worldwide scale implies that we go as far as could be expected under the circumstances. 

In the event that we can be a motivation to different associations engaged with the battle against the infection, we might have the option to make trust in a large number of individuals around the globe who are experiencing this pandemic.


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