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Setien lifts the lid on how the squad have received his ideas.

In his meeting with Mundo Deportivo, Quique Setien shed all the more light on his first weeks as Barca's lead trainer. To begin the discussion off, the expert opened up on how the squad have invited him and his thoughts.

"I am content with the procedure when all is said in done. The entirety of the players effectively comprehend what I'm attempting to convey. They have an unprecedented frame of mind which makes everything a lot simpler, so I'm fulfilled.

There are beneficial things and awful things in the manner we are playing. Clearly, you don't need to change the positives.In the Supercopa (versus Atletico Madrid) I saw the group playing tremendously for 70 minutes. Be that as it may, there are stages, it might happen twice or multiple times during the match when you can't stay away from the restriction's assaults.

"That is the point at which you need mental order and quality so you don't lose your core interest. On the off chance that the group is completely engaged, you don't endure protectively to such an extent."

Since Setien's appearance, Barcelona have dominated three matches and lost one. The following test for Blaugrana will be the class coordinate against Levante at Camp Nou.

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