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Barcelona have missed out yet another star talent.


Mokio is still contracted to Gent, but his bargain at the Belgian equip terminates at the conclusion of the month, meaning he will be accessible as a free exchange.

Barcelona were considered the undisputed top choice to sign Mokio on a free bargain. But it shows up the Catalans are presently on the skirt of lost out on the protective ability.

Agreeing to Diario Don, Jorthy Mokio has presently put an conclusion to a month-long exchange adventure by picking for a move to Ajax.

The report notices the bargain Barcelona had with the player's specialist. But within the conclusion, the two parties were not able to reach a budgetary agreement.This came indeed after the reality that both Barcelona and the player's specialist were in consistent contact in later weeks.

Ajax, in the interim, have ventured in and stolen the bargain. The Eredivisie mammoths are all set to pack the administrations of Mokio on a free exchange.

The player, for his portion, had continuously kept up that he needed to connect the positions at Barcelona. 

Barcelona, in spite of the fact that, were not able to reach an understanding, which eventually constrained the protector to settle for a move to Ajax.

The report includes that Mokio's move to Ajax will be inescapable. He will experience a therapeutic on Monday and afterward sign a contract. 


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